Trees are a gorgeous addition to any yard. If that wasn’t enough, they also provide us shade, crisp, clean air, and crucial biodiversity—yes, even the one’s in our yard. These beautiful giants do so much to help us, so we must return the favor. In other words, when their branches start dying, we must step in and fix the problem so that they remain healthy and beautiful.
But how much does removing dead branches actually do to help a tree? That’s an excellent question. Read on to learn the answer.
1. Stops the Spread of Fungus and Disease
Stopping the spread of nasty fungus and disease is perhaps the most critical of the three ways dead branch removal helps your trees. When individual branches start decaying, it’s typically because they’re suffering from a:
- Harmful disease
- Fungal infection
- Infestation
Fortunately, if symptoms are isolated to a few branches, the illness likely hasn’t spread to the vital parts of your tall, green friend—at least not yet. So catching these things early and performing dead branch removal services is imperative. It could mean the difference between your tree bouncing back healthier than ever or dying due to untreated illness.
2. Supports New and Healthy Growth
You didn’t think you’d click on this blog and avoid reading about how dead branch removal supports new, healthier growth for your trees, did you? We certainly hope not. After all, it’s top-tier tree-care knowledge. As such, we discuss it every chance we get. Many people think cutting branches will harm their trees. But truthfully, this isn’t the case.
In fact, regular pruning is among the most effective ways to ensure your saplings have everything they need to flourish. When dead or dying branches are thrown in the mix, this becomes even more essential. When your trees are rife with unhealthy branches, they’re forced to continue wasting vital nutrients improving them.
Moreover, they expend high amounts of energy doing everything to salvage an appendage that cannot be saved. Thus, having these extremities removed allows your tree to focus its attention on new, healthy growth. In turn, this makes your tree stronger and much healthier. This is another reason dead branch removal is an excellent way to help your trees.
3. Improves the Appearance of Your Trees
Routinely removing dead branches is imperative to maintaining optimal health for your trees. But what might be less conspicuous is how it can improve their overall appearance. We’ve all been in a situation wherein we walk avoidantly past decrepit yards overrun with wild vegetation and trees with spindly branches that seem to reach out to us.
This is an unsettling experience reminiscent of spooky ghost tales. But we’ll let you in on a little secret—these trees fit for slasher films aren’t haunted, they’re poorly maintained. Moreover, their twisted, unruly branches are probably dead. But with the proper branch removal service, those creepy trees could once again be healthy and gorgeous additions to their yards.
In short, taking care of your trees means understanding when it’s time to cut off their dead branches. Doing so ensures they stay beautiful and healthy. And if you’re looking for the right arborists to help you with this type of service, call SID Mourning Trees.